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This page explains how the app stores its settings.

There are 3 different settings categories described in the following diagram:

Mixing StationMixer independentMixer dependentGlobal SettingsUI ScaleAutostartConnection settingsPower configurationApp settingsChannel stripsMetringThemesClick behaviorUser settingsLayersLayoutsMidi

The settings are recalled by the following logic:

Open appLoad Global settingsLoad App settingsLoad "default" User Settings forcurrent mixer modelyes"default" user settings entryfor current mixer available?noGot Layout with "Open on startup" behavior?yesnoLoad "Open on startup" layoutGot Layout with "Mixer override" behavior?yesnoLoad "Mixer override" layoutShow regular mixer

Click one of the following links to find out more about the different settings types:

Backup / Restore

To create a backup of all settings, select the gear icon after starting the app, and select Backup / Restore. You can back up all your data to a local file, or your Mixing Station account.


Export / Import settings

See user settings